Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Lama tidak menulis di ruangan ini hehehehe....sebenarnya Selasa adalah hari persekolahan bagi my school. So...pagitu pun kalut terbangun lewat sikit dengar bunyi alarm clock atau wat dekk je as usual sampai je di sekolah..rasa hairan bin ajaib cz nampak lengang je..hehehe...masuk kelas alaahhhhh..berapa kerat je yang pnp process is more on their experiences celebrating their aidilfitri...mmm
    After maghrib i met my old friends since waktu persekolahan dulu...mmmm..bergegarla dgn loyar buruk n jokes antara satu sama lain...happy dapat bkumpul cmtu. Pergi pun dah agak lewat dalam pukul 930 mlm camtu...anyway we had a great quality of time together...
   Today we had an internal open house at my mum's house...actually sambut birthday my dad yang jatuh esok on Thursday...once again riuh rendah...n..of course..kembung perut msuk macam2 kids pun memang berkampung kat sini since yesterday...hehehe...kebetulan dah rezeki my cousin from KL pun datang..jadi meriah lah lagi...makanan pun byk so dont worry...enjoy the food k...
   And also happy dapat jumpa my old n special friend petang semlm...thank u very much sbb susah2 datang ke all bloggers n other fb followers..enjoy ur day celebrating aidilfitri k...hve to go now...;-]p
Luvs the special ones in my life..with the blessing from Allah..i believe theres nothing impossible..amin

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